Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike

Volume III of the Jackson Speed Memoirs

Volume III of the Jackson Speed Memoirs

Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike is the third novel in the Jackson Speed Memoirs.

In the winter of 1863, Jackson Speed goes to Richmond to serve as a liaison between James “Old Peter” Longstreet and his two masters: Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Army of Northern Virginia commander General Robert E. Lee. While there, Speed moves in with Jenny Rakestraw and lives a comfortable existence in the Southern Capital.

But when he attempts to help Jenny escape the war to her Northern home, Speed gets trapped between the Army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville and Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. When it comes time for the Southern General Stonewall Jackson to make his most famous charge, Speed unhappily finds himself leading the way.

Orange Turnpike takes readers into the Southern Capital during the War Between the States and along for one of the great routs of military history with the reluctant adventurer who becomes a Texas Ranger, a Pinkerton Detective, a gunslinger and a spy for both the Union and the Confederacy. And before it’s over, he’ll pinch every nipple, squeeze every teat and bed every woman who is half willing or too slow to get away.

Ol’ Speedy is the lovable rogue, the cowardly anti-hero whose exploits are always motivated by his desire to preserve his life or his desire to get belly to belly with whatever woman is unfortunate enough to cross his path.

Jackson Speed is a character like Harry Flashman, Rhett Butler and Tom Jones all rolled up and mixed together with a heaping helping of Henry Fleming.